Revolucionando la rehabilitación de la rodilla con terapia de ejercicios para una movilidad y recuperación sin dolor

Un máquina polivalente para la extensión de rodilla. La específica curva de resistencia proporciona una experiencia de entrenamiento suave y amena incluso para problemas dolorosos en la rodilla. Altamente efectivo y seguro.

The age at which knee replacement is considered is evolving with medical advances, offering even young people with severe joint problems innovative surgical alternatives. Despite the possibility of postponing an operation, preparing the patient for surgery becomes essential. Adapted exercise programs, supported by innovative technology, enable muscles to be strengthened painlessly before and after surgery, […]

Cómo aprovechar al máximo su visita a traumatología

Global Clinics: comprometidos con la salud y el bienestar de nuestros pacientes en Mallorca

According to published data, up to 20% of traumatology patients come to their appointments with improperly healed injuries. The reasons include failed diagnoses and treatments, and in a large percentage of cases, poor rehabilitation on the part of the patient. This often minimizes the severity of the injury and its consequences, despite the fact that […]